Joe made his way to the NorthWest Territories ...
... and hung out with the staff of The Explorer Hotel
while there
Sub-zero temperatures in Nunavut, both in Iqaliut (left) and Resolute Bay
With Steve Amarualik, Nunavut's Athlete Of The Year and subject of the
documentary; behind them, the entire town of Resolute
Steve (in red jacket) and friend out seal hunting on frozen
Resolute Bay
Don, Lucas, Patrick and Shea of the Yellowknife Gunners
Football Club, in Fort McMurray to compete in the AWG
Joe presents ulus (Arctic Games medals) to cross country skiers from Alaska
Yukon ulu winners in the Dene
Games Christy and Casey Dupuis
Steve (left of podium) wins a silver ulu in the Two-Foot
High Kick at Composite High School
Silver ulu winners Carlene Perry and Tanna Willox of theTeam Alberta
North volleyball team; Tanna also hosted a piece for POV while there
The delegation from Team Nunavut enter Arco Plaza
for the Arctic Winter Games opening ceremonies
Alan Kanukov of Magadan jumps over
nine feet in the air on his way to a
silver ulu in the one-foot high kick
Shooting the CBC documentary Sports From The Edge took Joe all over northern
Canada, including stops in Yellowknife, Pond Inlet, Igloolik, Resolute Bay and the region
of Wood Buffalo in Alberta for the Arctic Winter Games.